Thursday, August 13, 2009

Back home...

Hi kids! We would like to thank everyone that came out to see us during this last East Coast tour. Thanks to all of the bands/people that helped us out with shows as well. If I could sum up the tour I would say that it was a series of extreme up's and down's. If you were there for one of the "up" nights, you probably know it, if you were there for one of the "down" nights you probably didn't talk to us because no one did on those nights. Also, if you took pictures or video of us please send it to us! We can't fit a merch guy into our van so we always end up at the end of our tours with absolutely no footage or pictures unless someone else takes it. We will send you a special surprise if you hook us up. I guess that's about all for now. I might post a tour journal in the next few weeks if I have time. We're all in the process of getting new jobs/going back to old jobs, saving money, AND writing material/getting ready to record for our next full length. I will definitely keep everyone posted on those happenings. West Coasters, we plan on coming out your way in March/April so look for that. I'll post the tour dates on here as well as on the myspace and every where else I can.

Thanks for the support!
